Best Eyelid Scrubs and Eyelid Wipes for Blepharitis | Eye Love Cares


Eyelid Wipes for Blepharitis | Finding The Best Eyelid Scrubs For Blepharitis | Eye Love Cares

If you suffer from blepharitis, you need to know just how helpful eyelid wipes for blepharitis can be for relieving your symptoms. Eyelid scrubs for blepharitis can be a great way to give this area of your face a much-needed deep cleaning. You can purchase eyelid wipes for blepharitis that can be used on a regular basis to loosen up the crust that builds up along the lash line due to blepharitis. They can also keep this area clean and sanitary by killing bacteria in the area that can cause blepharitis.

Another reason that eyelid scrubs for blepharitis are great is the fact that you can add eyelid scrubs to your regular hygiene routine in order to prevent future cases of blepharitis and to keep the eyelids healthy. This will improve the overall health of your eyes. Keep reading to learn more about how eyelid scrubs for blepharitis can relieve your symptoms, and how to find the best eyelid wipes for blepharitis.

Do you have blepharitis?

Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids. Blepharitis is a very noticeable condition. If you are dealing with inflamed, crusty, or irritated eyelids, then it is likely that you have blepharitis. This condition makes your eyelids itchy, irritated, and red. This condition also causes the accumulation of dandruff or crust like particles to develop along the eyelash line. This common eye condition may be caused by bacteria, demodex mites, and existing skin conditions like rosacea.

Posterior blepharitis develops on the inner edge of the eyelid where the lid meets the eyeball. This type of blepharitis is usually caused by a blockage or inflammation of the eyelid’s oil glands.

Blepharitis comes in two main forms. The type of blepharitis is determined by which part of your eyelid becomes inflamed. Anterior blepharitis occurs along the eyelash line. Blepharitis can be easy to treat with eyelid scrubs and overall eyelid hygiene. This condition is usually caused by dandruff, bacteria, allergens, or mites that develop around the eyelids or in the eyelashes.

Eye Lid Scrubs -

The symptoms of both forms of blepharitis can be relieved by using eyelid scrubs. Eyelid scrubs can help to alleviate the itching and irritation that are both major symptoms of blepharitis. Eyelid scrubs also help to keep the area clean and kill bacteria, which can worsen cases of blepharitis.

It is easy to mistake blepharitis for other eye conditions such as conjunctivitis. It is a good idea to get a proper diagnosis before using eyelid scrubs for blepharitis. Other conditions that are associated with blepharitis include chalazia, styes, corneal ulcerations, cysts, conjunctivitis, and other issues involving dry eyes and the production of a healthy tear film.

Symptoms of Blepharitis

In order to determine if eyelid scrubs for blepharitis are the right option for relieving your eye irritation symptoms, then you must first determine whether or not you have a case of blepharitis or if you are suffering from another common eye condition.

This condition commonly affects the upper and lower eyelids. For some people, the symptoms of blepharitis are mild. Blepharitis usually causes irritation and itchiness of the eyelids, but some people experience other uncomfortable symptoms such as crusting of the eyelids, matted eyelashes, and blurred vision. Therefore, blepharitis can also lead to infections if the area is not kept clean.

Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids. One of the most noticeable signs of blepharitis is inflamed, crusty, and irritated eyelids. This condition is known to cause dandruff-like particles to build up along the eyelash line. This symptom worsens during sleep, and many people who deal with this condition wake up to eyelids that are fused together with the crust. Eyelid wipes and other solutions for blepharitis are a great option for removing and reducing this accumulation of particles.

Blepharitis symptoms are not limited to only itchiness and irritation. When you have blepharitis, oils and bacteria can build up on the eyelids and cause a variety of uncomfortable symptoms.

Other common symptoms of blepharitis include:

  • Matted eyelashes
  • Loss of eyelashes
  • Grittiness in the eyes
  • Blurred vision
  • Dry eyes
  • Excessive tears
  • Burning of the eyes and eyelids
  • Frothy tears
  • Redness along the eyelash line
  • Swollen eyelids
  • Greasy eyelids
  • Flaky skin around the eyes

Eyelid Wipes for Blepharitis—The Importance of Hygiene

Maintaining the cleanliness of your face, eyelids, and hair can help with relieving and preventing the symptoms of blepharitis. A great method for keeping your eyelids and eyelashes clean it to wash the area with an eyelid cleanser or mild soap each day. It is important to use a gentle cleansing product made for the eyes so that cleaning the eyelid area will not irritate your eyes.

If you are currently suffering from blepharitis, then it can be a good idea to wash your hair and eyebrows with a shampoo containing antibacterial properties, such as the Heyedrate Tea Tree Oil Soap. There are also sprays that can be used to clean and disinfect the eyelid and eyelash area and prevent the growth of bacteria. The Heyedrate Lid and Lash Cleanser is a great example of this.

The main reason that eyelid cleansers for blepharitis are such an effective treatment option is the fact that the risk of contracting blepharitis can be affected by your hygiene practices. Maintaining good hygiene is one of the best methods for preventing and treating cases of blepharitis. The main thing that you can do to prevent blepharitis is to thoroughly wash your face on a daily basis. This may seem like common sense, but you would be surprised to see the areas of the face that often get neglected during typical face washing routines. The eyelids are an easy spot to miss.

Difficulties with Blepharitis -

People who wear makeup often have a difficult time with thoroughly removing products such as mascara, eyeliner, eyelash glue, and foundation from the eyelid area. Adding a daily warm compress and eyelid scrub for blepharitis to your routine can be helpful in keeping the eyelid area clean. It is also recommended that you wash your hair regularly to prevent blepharitis, especially if you have dandruff.

If you are currently dealing with a case of blepharitis, then you should avoid wearing eye makeup. You should also avoid wearing contact lenses and discard the lenses that you were wearing just before contracting the condition. If your blepharitis is caused by a bacterial infection, then it can also be a good idea to cleanse the eyelid area with a mild antibiotic soap.

In order to maintain good hygiene while you have blepharitis, you should avoid allowing any cleansing cloth, eyelid wipe, cotton pad, or cotton swab that touches the inflamed area to touch the eyes or any other open areas of the body. This can cause the spread of bacteria and lead to infections in other areas. It is also a good idea to use separate cotton swabs, cotton pads, eyelid wipes, or areas of the cleaning cloth for cleaning each eyelid. This avoids transferring bacteria, biofilm, or demodex mites from one eyelid to the other.

Benefits of Eyelid Scrubs for Blepharitis

Many people underestimate the importance of the eyelids in maintaining healthy eyes. Maintaining good skin and eyelid hygiene is one of the most effective steps that you can take towards treating and preventing cases of blepharitis. There are many gentle cleansers available that are great for treating this area. Hypochlorous acid is a great substance that is not only gentle, but effective as well. This comes in many brand names, and we recommend the one from Heyedrate.

Scrubbing the eyelids gently on a regular basis can aid in removing bacteria and biofilm build up along the margins of the eyelids. A daily routine of using a warm compress eye mask and eyelid scrubs can reduce the number of bacteria and demodex mites residing on your eyelids and eyelashes. You may use eyelid cleansers, eyelid wipes, or cleansing spray to cleanse the eyelid area.

Hygiene Tips -

Another great hygiene tip for preventing and treating blepharitis is to keep your hair and eyebrows clean. If you are currently battling a case of blepharitis, then it is a good idea to wash your hair with an anti-bacterial shampoo, such as one containing tea tree oil.

Eyelid scrubs are great for treating blepharitis, but you can also use an eyelid scrub to keep blepharitis from coming back. Because blepharitis is a chronic condition for many sufferers, once you have contracted this condition, it is unfortunately highly likely that you will be dealing with multiple cases of blepharitis over time. For many people, blepharitis is a recurring and chronic condition.

Cleaning your eyelids on a daily basis is a great method for avoiding future cases of blepharitis. You can perform a daily eyelid scrub in order to reduce the buildup of blepharitis triggers such as bacteria, biofilm, and demodex mites. Having less of these particles on the margins of the eyelids will ensure that your blepharitis cases are few and far between. It is best to purchase an over the counter eyelid cleanser for blepharitis to gently cleanse the eyelids and the eyelash line each day.

Pay Attention -

Once you have been diagnosed with a case of blepharitis, you must immediately begin to pay closer attention to your hygiene and habits. This will play a major role in helping you to avoid future cases of this condition. If you wear contact lenses, then it is important to make sure that you are removing them as frequently as directed and washing your hands each time you handle your contact lenses. If you wear makeup, then you should be sure to avoid sharing makeup products with others. You should also make sure that you are removing your makeup at the end of each day. Combining these steps with regular eyelid scrubs for blepharitis will significantly reduce the recurrences of this condition.

How To Use Eyelid Wipes & Scrubs to Treat Blepharitis

Blepharitis can be a sign that your eyelid area needs a deep cleaning. Regular eyelid scrubs are also a great way to prevent or reduce your risk of contracting blepharitis. This can be especially helpful for individuals who wear makeup because an eyelid scrub can be one of the most effective ways to clean leftover makeup residue caused by eyeshadows, eyeliners, and mascara. These products are difficult to remove with a general face washing method.

Important Techniques -

It is important to avoid pulling down on your eyelid and scrubbing the conjunctiva. The best technique involves gently scrubbing the eyelid margin and eyelashes only. To scrub the eyelids, there are a few different ways you can go about this. There are pre-moistened eyelid wipes for blepharitis available, which provide a quick and convenient method for scrubbing the eyelids. You can use any of these wipes to gently scrub your eyelids for about fifteen seconds, or until all of the residue and debris are cleaned from your eyelids. It is important to be gentle during this process, especially if your eyelids are already red and irritated. You could also try a gentle hypochlorous acid cleanser, which simply needs to be sprayed onto your closed eyelids, rubbed in, and let dry. Simple as that!

Although eyelid wipes and sprays are intended for use around the eyes, it is also important to make sure that you avoid any direct contact between your eyes and the eyelid product that you choose. This precaution helps to prevent the spread of bacteria or other debris from your inflamed eyelids. Transferring particles from your eyelids into your eyes can lead to an eye infection. Another reason for avoiding direct contact between your eyes and the scrubbing product is that some gentle soaps (such as baby shampoo) may contain ingredients that can damage your vision. We recommend using only soaps, wipes, or sprays that have been formulated for use around the eyes.

Eyelid Scrubs and Good Hygiene to Prevent Blepharitis

Now that you know more about the uncomfortable symptoms of blepharitis and how to treat it with eyelid scrubs, it is important to learn more about how to prevent future cases of this condition. Once you have experienced the uncomfortable symptoms of blepharitis, you will want to do everything that you can to prevent it again.

Eyelid scrubs for blepharitis are great because proper hygiene is an effective method for preventing blepharitis. When combined with regular good hygiene, routine eyelid scrubs can go a long way in preventing your risk for reducing blepharitis.

It is very important to keep your hands and face clean in order to reduce the number of bacteria that builds up around the eyelids and eyes. This is very important if you have a habit of touching your face and rubbing your eyes. If you can limit the number of times that you touch your face and rub your eyes each day, then this will help with preventing blepharitis as well. If you find this hard to do, then you should be extremely diligent in keeping your hands and face clean.

Regular Eyelid Scrubs -

You should also do your best to keep your eyelashes and eyelids free from excess tears and other debris. You can keep these areas clean with regular eyelid scrubs. Leaving excess substances to build up onto your eyelashes and eyelids can lead to blepharitis and other eye conditions. The excess tears that you leave on your eyelids will dry up and become flakes or crust mixed with bacteria. These flaky or crusty particles will provide a space for further bacteria and demodex mites to attach and accumulate. Other residues including eye makeup and leftover eye drops can also carry bacteria, mites, and allergens that can cause blepharitis. It is a good idea to keep this area clean with regular eyelid scrubs.

Another hygiene step that you should take in order to prevent blepharitis is to always use clean makeup applicators and products. If you have recently been treated for blepharitis, then you should throw out any makeup that you may have used while you were dealing with blepharitis. Contaminated makeup products are one of the top causes of bacterial blepharitis. Makeup brushes and applicators are known to carry excess bacteria when they are not properly cleaned regularly.

Blepharitis is not a contagious condition, but you should avoid sharing liquid eye makeup products and eye makeup applicators. This can lead to cross-contamination and the spread of bacteria that can lead to blepharitis. If you have had blepharitis in the past, then be sure to throw out any mascaras, eyeliners, or other liquid makeup products that may have gotten contaminated by bacteria, allergens, and demodex mites.  It is best to avoid using eye makeup altogether while you are treating blepharitis.

The Best Eyelid Scrubs for Blepharitis

Although blepharitis can be a very uncomfortable condition, there are many effective treatment methods that will alleviate your symptoms. There are many effective eyelid scrubs for blepharitis that you can purchase over the counter or receive a prescription for. When choosing the right eyelid scrubs for treating blepharitis, it is important to know what to look for.

Types of Eyelid Scrub Products

Eyelid scrub products can come in a variety of forms. They are all great options, and the one that you choose should be based on your own personal preferences. You can purchase liquid eyelid cleansers that can be applied to a clean cloth, cotton pad, or cotton swab and used to scrub the eyelid area. Liquid eyelid cleansers are also available in spray applicators that allow you to spray the eyelid cleansing solution directly onto your eyelids. There are also foaming eyelid cleansing that can be used in a similar way.

Many people also enjoy the convenience of pre-moistened eyelid wipes for blepharitis. These are individually wrapped disposable cotton pads or cloths that have been pre-moistened with an eyelid cleansing solution. All you have to do is open the package and use the cloth or pad to cleanse the eyelids.

When choosing between pre-moistened eyelid wipes for blepharitis and purchasing a bottled or sprayable eyelid cleansing solution, you should consider your own experience with blepharitis. If you constantly face the symptoms of blepharitis, then purchasing a bottle of a cleansing solution may last longer for you than purchased pre-moistened wipes. However, many people do not mind having to repurchase eyelid wipes on a regular basis for the sake of convenience.

What to Look for In Eyelid Wipes for Blepharitis

It is important to search for an eyelid and eyelash cleanser that is all-natural and non-detergent based. Eyelid scrubs that are non-detergent based reduce the risk of having harmful chemicals coming in contact with your eyes. Harsh chemicals can cause severe discomfort and even permanently damage your eyes. A natural eyelid cleanser can be used for multiple purposes including cleansing the skin, and soothing irritation from dry eyes, styes, cuts, scrapes, and other issues. Natural eyelid cleansers, like hypochlorous acid, typically have a longer shelf life and won’t cause vision damage if it comes into contact with the eyes. Some examples of eyelid scrubs for blepharitis that meet these requirements are Heyedrate Lid & Lash Cleanser and Avenova.

The Best Eyelid Scrub Ingredients

There are a few ingredients that are good to look for in eyelid scrub products. Ideally, you want an eyelid scrub that is natural and non-detergent based. You may also want to avoid ingredients that are harmful to the eyes and skin. Although you should avoid direct contact between your eyes and your eyelid cleaning cloth, it is great to have peace of mind that your eyes won’t be damaged in the event of an accident. Eyelid scrubs with fewer ingredients tend to be safer for the eyes although you should avoid having any cleanser coming in direct contact of your eyes. It is not necessary for every eyelid cleanser to have all of the ingredients listed below, but here is a list of good ingredients for eyelid cleansers:

  • Pure Hypochlorous Acid
  • Electrolyzed water (H2O)
  • Sodium Chloride (NaCl)
  • 4-Terpineol (T40) (for blepharitis caused by demodex mites)
  • Castor Oil
  • Tea Tree Oil (for blepharitis caused by demodex mites)

Medically Administered Eyelid Scrubs

If performing an eyelid scrub at home does not reduce or alleviate your blepharitis symptoms, then you may have to visit your eye care specialist for an in-office eyelid scrub procedure. There are multiple versions of this treatment.

An electromechanical lid margin debridement tool, such as BlephEx, will remove biofilm, bacteria, and demodex mites from your eyelids, while also opening clogged meibomian glands. You could also receive a thermal pulsation treatment (LipiFlow) that will melt any debris that is blocking the meibomian glands. The last most common type of in-office blepharitis treatment is the intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy which can open clogged eyelid glands and allow for the normal flow of oils to the tear film. This type of treatment is also helpful for relieving symptoms of dry eye syndrome and rosacea.

In office eyelid scrubs for blepharitis are a great starting point for developing a healthy eyelid hygiene regimen. Many blepharitis patients opt to have an in office treatment performed in order to have their eyelids and lash line cleaned thoroughly, and then follow up at home with over the counter eyelid wipes and cleansers.

Additional Blepharitis Treatments that Work Well with Eyelid Scrubs

Eyelid scrubs and general eyelid hygiene are great ways to relieve your blepharitis symptoms. If you are currently using eyelid scrubs and your symptoms continue to persist and recur, then you may want to pair your eyelid scrubs with another blepharitis treatment. This may be necessary if you are suffering from severe or chronic blepharitis. Luckily, there are many additional blepharitis treatments that work well with eyelid scrubs and eyelid wipes.

Use Eye Drops and Artificial Tears

Eye drops and artificial tears are both great supplemental treatments that you can pair with eyelid scrubs for blepharitis symptoms. Both of these products can keep the eyes moist and prevent irritation and infections, which are common symptoms and causes of blepharitis.

Preservative free eye drops are great for keeping the eyes moist and clean and are usually suggested for individuals who wear contact lenses or have mild eye irritation and dryness. They are chemical-free and clean the surface of the eyes. You can use eye drops before performing your daily eyelid scrub in order to clean your eyes, or use them afterward for relief.

Artificial Tear Drops -

You can use artificial tear eye drops with eyelid scrubs to effectively treat the symptoms of blepharitis. Artificial tear eye drops are an effective treatment option for both blepharitis and dry eye syndrome, which is a common eye condition that is common for people with blepharitis. Artificial tears are commonly suggested for individuals who suffer from dry eye syndrome. For many people, blepharitis and dry eye syndrome go hand in hand. Each of these conditions can lead to and worsen symptoms of the other due to the fact that they can both result from dysfunctional oil glands in the eye area.

Artificial tears help cleanse and moisturize the eyes and can be great for symptom relief. Some artificial tear eye drops mimic the three-layer components of your eye’s tear film. Artificial tears usually contain preservatives and chemicals which are able to keep the product usable for a longer period of time and recreating the natural formation of the tear film, however we always recommend using non-preserved artificial tears because they contain less chemicals. There are over the counter and prescription artificial tears that can relieve symptoms such as redness, inflammation, and dry eyes. There are also antibiotic eye drop formulas that help with the proper production of oil from the Meibomian glands, but these are only available through your eye doctor.

Apply a Warm Compress

Applying a warm compress to your eyelids is a great follow up or pre-treatment to an eyelid scrub for blepharitis. Warm compresses are great for relieving symptoms of blepharitis such as swelling, irritation, itching, and redness. A warm compress is also great for loosening the crust that develops on the eyelids while sleeping. It is a good idea to use a warm compress to loosen crust accumulation, and then follow up with an eyelid scrub to completely remove the debris.

In order to use a warm compress as a remedy for the symptoms of blepharitis, you can get started by wetting a clean washcloth with warm water. Then, wring out the cloth until most of the excess water has been removed. The cleaning cloth should be damp rather than wet before application. Once you wring out the cloth, it is ready to be applied. Close your eyes and place the washcloth over your eyelids for 5-10 minutes, or however long it stays warm. You might need to wet your cloth multiple times to keep it warm.

Dry Eye Masks -

If the process of wetting a cloth multiple times sounds tedious to you (it does to us!), there are warm compress eye masks, such as the Heyedrate Dry Eye Mask, that you can purchase to use for a warm compress for blepharitis. This type of mask can be warmed up in the microwave. The great thing about using a mask is that you do not have to constantly reheat it during use. To use a mask, you just need to warm it up in the microwave for about 15-20 seconds. Then, you can close your eyes and apply it to your lids for about 10-20 minutes. Warm compresses are a perfect solution for loosening the crust-like substance that accumulates around the eyelashes, causing them to stick together. Following up with an eyelid scrub will leave you with clean, soothed eyelids.

Give Your Eyelids A Massage

After a warm compress and an eyelid scrub, you can give your eyelids a nice massage for even more relief from your blepharitis symptoms. The first step that you need to take before an eyelid massage is to thoroughly wash your hands. Performing an eyelid massage with unclean hands is sure to worsen your blepharitis symptoms.

Eye Lid Massage -

After your hands are clean, you are ready to begin the eyelid massage. Eyelid massages are simple to do. Use your clean index finger to gently apply pressure to your eyelid, pressing it against the eyeball. For an effective eyelid massage that alleviates your blepharitis symptoms, you should massage the area for four to eight seconds. You should massage the lid in four different sections on each of your upper and lower eyelids. An eyelid massage can cause blurred vision for a few seconds, but it will provide some relief to your blepharitis symptoms.

It can be a great idea to use an oil while massaging your eyelids. Great options for this include castor oil and diluted tea tree oil for those who are dealing with a demodex mite infestation. Castor oil is known to alleviate blepharitis symptoms due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Tea tree oil is a great method for getting rid of demodex mites. Both of these oils are commonly included in over the counter and prescription blepharitis treatments. Castor oil can treat many of the common causes of blepharitis including inflammation, dryness, and infection. Castor oil is also anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. Adding castor oil to your regular eye hygiene routine can also help to prevent future cases of blepharitis.

Antibiotic Ointment Treatments

If your blepharitis has been caused by a bacterial infection, then you might need an antibiotic treatment to treat your blepharitis. You may be prescribed an antibiotic treatment in the form of antibiotic eye drops, a pill, or a topical ointment. An antibiotic ointment treatment is great to apply immediately following an eyelid scrub. After thoroughly cleansing the eyelid area, then you can use a clean cotton swab to apply the antibiotic ointment to the base of your eyelashes. When using an antibiotic treatment option, you should avoid allowing the treatment to come in direct contact with your eyes.


When it comes to blepharitis, maintaining good hygiene is often the best and easiest step that you can take towards relieving your symptoms and preventing future occurrences of the condition. That is why eyelid wipes for blepharitis are a popular treatment option. Maintaining good eyelid health and hygiene keeps the eyelids clean and free from residue and debris which can cause infections and lead to the contraction of other eye conditions. The eyelids play a major role in maintaining the overall health of the eyes. Using eyelid scrubs for belpharitis on a regular basis will keep this area in better shape.

There are many great products available that you can use to keep your eyelids clean. There are many eyelid cleansing solutions available that contain ingredients that can soothe and treat your symptoms. Whether you choose to use a liquid or foam eyelid cleaner or purchase pre-moistened wipes you are taking the first step towards treating your blepharitis symptoms.

Not only do eyelid scrubs help with treating a current case of blepharitis, but also, you can combine regular eyelid scrubs with other treatment options such as warm compresses, eyelid massages, and artificial tears to keep the eyelids and eyes healthy and prevent future cases of blepharitis. Maintaining clean eyelids is a great way to prevent blepharitis and other serious eye conditions.

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